Petition to ‘get Covid vaccines to Nepal and prevent a humanitarian disaster’

NL Today

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Kathmandu: Dozens of political and civil leaders, writers, editors, activists, artists, and journalists among others have signed an open petition to ‘Get CoVID Vaccines to Nepal ASAP and prevent a humanitarian disaster’.

Depicting the alarming situation in Nepal, the petition by the volunteer group ‘Covid Alliance For Nepal’ started the petition to US Ambassador Randy Berry and the US Department of State.

“Nepal now has among the highest viral reproduction rates in the world. In some regions, as many as 90% of tests are positive,” reads the petition.

Experts predict that within only two weeks the country could be seeing as many as 200,000 new cases per day – a number close to when the infection was at its devastating peak in the USA, a country more than ten times Nepal’s size, the petition further states.

Highlighting the friendly relationship between the USA and Nepal, the petition adds, “Our two nations have shared a long history of mutual cooperation, exchange, and support. By ensuring timely delivery of vaccines for Nepal you will be adding an important chapter to that history, adds the petition highlighting the relationship between two countries.”

Click here to sign the petition.

Full text of the petition:

Dear Ambassador Berry,

We approach you as a group of Nepali nationals and US Citizens who share a deep appreciation for the special relationship shared between our two nations. We are certain that you must share our deep distress and concern over the recent rapid and deadly escalation of COVID-19 cases in Nepal. The heroic efforts of so many medical and frontline workers are inspiring, but Nepal is dangerously under-equipped to handle the crisis. The loss of life and economic devastation that are predicted over the coming weeks and months are of a scale that is difficult to imagine.
Nepal now has among the highest viral reproduction rates in the world. In some regions, as many as 90% of tests are return positives. Experts predict that within only two weeks the country could be seeing as many as 200,000 new cases per day – a number close to when the infection was at its devastating peak in the USA, a country more than ten times Nepal’s size. Hospitals are already overwhelmed and soon patients will start dying for lack of basic resources such as oxygen. Nepal is on the brink of a humanitarian crisis.

We are writing because the United States has the means to dramatically reduce the loss of life and suffering that awaits Nepal in the coming weeks and months. The recent announcement of $8.5 million in funding for PPE and other equipment is welcome, however, this alone is unlikely to head off this crisis. Nepal urgently needs COVID vaccines in order to make a meaningful impact. With only 4% of the population vaccinated and with India deep in crisis, it is unlikely that Nepal will receive more vaccines from what was previously its primary source. We, therefore, request that the United States government immediately release at least 12 million doses of vaccine to the Government of Nepal to assist it in protecting the population. America’s timely action will save hundreds of thousands of people from unnecessary suffering and death, and reduce the long-term impacts of poverty and lost development.

Our two nations have shared a long history of mutual cooperation, exchange, and support. By ensuring timely delivery of vaccines for Nepal you will be adding an important chapter to that history.

Yours Sincerely,

  • Asha Magrati, Writer/Actor, New York
  • Ashutosh Tiwari, Founder, SAFAL Partners
  • Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States
  • Carroll Dunham, Founder, Wild Earth, LLC
  • Charles Gay, Peace Corps Nepal 1969-70
  • Conrad Anker, Climber
  • Deepak Rauniyar, Writer/Filmmaker, New York
  • Dr David Schlim, Past President, International Society of Travel Medicine
  • Dr. Peter Hackett, Former Medical Director, Himalayan Rescue Association
  • Dr. Alexander Avramov, Associate Researcher, Emory University
  • Dr. Arjun Karki , Pulmonologist, Founding Vice Chancellor, Patan Academy of Health Sciences
  • Dr. Arjun Karki, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States
  • Dr. Arnico Panday, CEO, Ullens Education Foundation
  • Dr. Barbara Butterworth, Educator
  • Dr. Bhagwan Koirala, Professor, Cardiac Surgeon and Social Worker
  • Dr. Dhiraj Gurung, Karnali Academy of Health Sciences (Recipient of Kirti Maya Rastradeep award for management of Covid in Karnali region)
  • Dr. Digbijay Mahat, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • Dr. Lhamo Y Sherpa, SR Research Monitoring & Evaluation Advisor, IPAS Nepal
  • Dr. Rita Thapa (Public Health), Public Health Physician
  • Dr. Rohit Ranjitkar, Country Director, Kathmandu Valley Preservation
  • Dr. Sabin Ninglekhu, Researcher
  • Dr. Sameer Dixit, Director of Research, The Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal
  • Dr. Sanduk Ruit, Founder, Tilganga Eye Hospital
  • Indra Bahadur Gurung, Chairperson, Nepal Indigenous Nationalities, President World League for Freedom and Democracy, Nepal Chapter
  • J. Gabriel Campbell, Ph.D, Retired Director General of ICIMOD
  • James M. Tielsch, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Global Health, George Washington University
  • Joanne Katz, Sc.D, Professor, Global Disease and Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Kabita Rai, Activist
  • Kai Bird, Pulitzer-Prize winning Author
  • Kanak Dixit, Writer and Editor
  • Kesang Tseten, Filmmaker
  • Kul Chandra Gautam, Former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN, Former Deputy ED of UNICEF
  • Kunda Dixit, Editor, Nepali Times
  • Lynn Bennett, Ph.D. MBE, Retired Lead Anthropologist, World Bank Nepal
  • Maggie Doyne, CEO, Blink Now Foundation
  • Manisha Koirala, Actress and Social Activist
  • Meghan Tierney Nalbo, Director, Asia Foundation
  • Mike Gill, Administrator
  • Mohna Ansari, Former Commissioner and Spokesperson, National Human Rights Commission Nepal
  • Pamela Ross, U. of Wisconsin College Year in Nepal, 1990-2000
  • Parul Christian, DrPH, MSc, Professor, Director & Associate Chair, Johns Hopkins University
  • Pradip Pariyar, Executive Chairperson, Samata Foundation
  • Pranika Koyu, Human rights activist, writer
  • Prof. Eri Saikawa, Associate Professor, Emory University
  • Ramyata Limbu , Filmmaker, KIMFF director
  • Renan Ozturk, Climber
  • Rita Baramu, Activist
  • Ruma Rajbhandari, Assistant Professor Of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  • Rushil Shakya, Technologist, Educator
  • Sapana Sanjeevani, Activist
  • Sarita Pariyar, Writer/Activist
  • Shankar Sharma, Former Ambassador of Nepal to the United States
  • Shripa Pradhan, Activist
  • Shubha Kayastha, Body & Data
  • Steve LeClerq, Nepal Country Director, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department
  • Sujeev Shakya, CEO, Beed Management & Chairman, Nepal Economic Forum
  • Sumnima Udas, Founder, Lumbini Museum Initiative; Former CNN International Correspondent
  • Swarnim Waglé, Chief Adviser to UN Undersecretary General, Asia Pacific
  • Tom Kelly, Photographer
  • Tsering Rhitar Sherpa, Filmmaker
  • Yozana Magar, Activist

On Behalf Of TheCoVID Alliance For Nepal

  • Alisha Singh, Business Development Manager
  • Ben Ayers, National Geographic Explorer
  • Garima Khakurel, Software Engineer Associate; US Embassy Youth Council Nepal Member 2018-19
  • Ishan Adhikari, MD MS-HCM, Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurophysiology: Epilepsy, Neuromuscular and Autonomic Disorders, Founder: Nepali League Against Epilepsy (NLAE) Chairman: Global Nepali Health & Research Center (GNHRC)
  • Janak Raj Sapkota , Journalist
  • Kabin Maleku, Pharmacist
  • Kabita Parajuli, Lawyer
  • Kashish Das Shrestha, National Geographic Explorer
  • Luna Ranjit, Writer, Researcher