‘Every risk is worth taking as long as it’s for a good cause’: Anshu Shakya

'This pandemic has taught us to adapt to new things. Either it’s work-from-home culture, online payments, or on-demand home service. Adaptation is the new normal.'

NL Today

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Anshu Shakya, currently looking after business development at Bhetayo, a start-up, has years of experience in marketing, sales and operations. Starting her career as a media person has helped her to develop mass communication skills, time management and organizational skills, she says. She believes learning is a never-ending process and growth comes from stepping out of our comfort zone.

Anshu holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Westcliff University, in the US. She is a firm believer in the idea that skill sets can be learnt over time but what differentiates an individual from others is the attitude one possesses. Her positive attitude and tireless energy have been one of the major factors to be where she is now, she says. In her free time, Anshu likes to travel to new places, listen to podcasts, try new things and meet new people. In this interview, Anshu talks about her start-up, what drives her and what success would mean for her start-up.

Tell us about your start-up Bhetayo? How did the idea come about?

Bhetayo began as a response to a need. Isn’t it almost impossible to find professionals who consistently give excellent service on time when you require assistance with minor but important household tasks? Yes, we were facing similar issues! Every time we had a leaking pipe at home or a laptop that needed immediate fixing, we had to either wait to find someone or run to some shop. And that’s how the idea of Bhetayo came into being.

Explain your plan in the product-market fit process?

Considering Nepal’s strong mobile penetration rate and also a significant part of our population being youths, we have launched the Bhetayo platform as a mobile application and website, as we feel that technological adoption is high among youths.
Moreover, to cater to the handyman market even more effectively, we have adopted the on-demand business model which is definitely more convenient for our users. To ensure quality servicemen, we have made sure that all our service providers go through a training program.

What sets your start-up apart from the crowd?

We always believe that service business is all about the experience. Once the customer is habituated with the experience we serve, we can automatically stand out. Reasonable and transparent pricing, experienced certified service providers, 30 days service warranty are some of our unique selling propositions. However, one thing that completely distinguishes us from others is the variety of services we provide in a single tap, on-demand.

The vision behind creating Bhetayo is to be Nepal’s top-notch digital platform that provides premium at-door service by facilitating easy service and reducing the hassle.

How exactly are you planning to create a niche market for your business?

We are actually not focusing on a niche market; in fact, our target market is very large. We intend to stand out in this market through simplicity in our application that is easy to use and effective.

Bhetayo is an online platform to source professional service providers. Do you think the pandemic has created a favorable situation for this type of start-up?

This pandemic has taught us to adapt to new things. Either it’s work-from-home culture, online payments, or on-demand home service. Adaptation is the new normal. So, as people are being too much occupied with their work, they do have less time to look after tedious jobs. We want everything in just one click which shows how much we are reliant on online platforms. Therefore, indeed the pandemic has created a favorable situation. The pandemic, let’s say, has been a blessing in disguise.

What do you think are the greatest risks for your business?

To protect the image of our business while catering to the needs of people is a challenge. On the other hand, building trust among customers and service providers is another challenge we have faced. However, we do have certain protocols from which we choose the right and professional experts. The experts are streamlined and funneled down to provide the best services to our end customers. Therefore, we do have a risk but every risk is worth taking as long as it’s for a good cause and contributes to a good life.

What does success look like for this venture?

“Never give up’’ has always been our mantra. There are always several hurdles in between. However, overcoming every hurdle that we encounter in order to provide quality service at everyone’s doorstep will be our ultimate success. Bhetayo should be a synonym for convenience.

Where do you see Bhetayo 10 years down the line?

The vision behind creating Bhetayo is to be Nepal’s top-notch digital platform that provides premium at-door service by facilitating easy service and reducing the hassle. We see Bhetayo being a necessity rather than an option. Ten years down the line, we picture Bhetayo to be widely available in all the parts of Nepal facilitating the daily life of people, catering to their every need.