EC determines election symbol for political parties

NL Today

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Kathmandu: The Election Commission has fixed and included in the ballot paper the election symbols for the local level elections. The election of 753 local levels across the country is taking place on May 13.

The Election Commission stated that the election symbol of the six nationally-recognized political parties have been fixed based on the number of votes they garnered under the proportional election system in the election to the House of Representatives in 2017. In that election, the CPN (UML) bagged 3 million 173 thousand 494 votes, the Nepali Congress 3 million 128 thousand 389 votes, the CPN (Maoist Centre) 1 million 303 thousand 721 votes and the Janata Samajbadi Party Nepal 942 thousand 455 votes.

The parties that participated in the 2017 House of Representatives election under the proportional election system and which have been registered with the Election Commission for the local level election and are active in the district will be allocated the same election symbols they had been allocated before. 

Election Commission spokesperson Shaligram Sharma said that the Commission has decided to include the election symbols of such political parties in the ballot paper of the districts concerned for the purpose of the local level election. The Election Commission on March 27 decided to include the election symbols of such parties in the ballot paper of the districts concerned for the purpose of the upcoming local election. 

The independent candidates  would be assigned the election symbol from the ‘independent symbol group’ determined by the Commission. Of the 79 political parties contesting in the local level election, six parties are recognized as the national parties while 23 parties have participated in the election before this. Likewise, 40 political parties have got approval from the Election Commission to contest the election this time.