Decoding the intricacies of posthumanism and transhumanism

Transhumanism and posthumanist future provides an opportunity for Nepal to strive towards a just and prosperous society, the society that promotes fairness, equality, and the elimination of discrimination and systemic inequalities.

Bimal Pratap Shah

  • Read Time 6 min.

In Nepal’s parliament, diverse topics ignite heated debates, with accusations hurled at politicians and political parties. However, the struggling masses find little solace amid the rhetoric. Seeking respite, they flee to progressive nations, offering their labor in search of relief amidst the desert heat. Yet, the plight of common people persists, their suffering untouched. Instead, parliamentarians should adopt a forward-looking approach and take proactive measures to prevent a mass exodus of youth to foreign lands. This can be achieved by creating short-term business and employment opportunities within Nepal while also preparing for a high-tech future in the long term, by delving into future-oriented ideologies and philosophical frameworks to carve out progressive legislations.

To embrace the essence of the future, parliamentarians must strive to comprehend the concepts of posthumanism and transhumanism, making necessary preparations at the policy level. This is especially crucial considering Nepal’s high dependency on remittances, resulting from the lack of business and employment opportunities. So that they are better able to formulate pragmatic policies and laws that facilitate the transcendence of human potential and boundaries. In the parliament, while a few individuals bask only in the glory of Nepal’s achievements from two hundred years ago, lacking a forward-looking vision, there are also many who find solace in demonizing the once-mighty regime. Alternatively, they should delve into history and learn how the tiny kingdom organized itself into a formidable military force dedicated to imagining a just society. By comprehending the principles and strategies utilized by that historically diminutive nation with a formidable military force, it will be possible to replicate and adapt those principles to the context of the transhumanist and posthumanist world, thus paving the way for Nepal to emerge triumphant in the future even though the country is currently in a state of chaos.

Core philosophies and goals

The concepts of posthumanism and transhumanism have frequently mingled, weaving a tangled web of confusion among those unaccustomed to their intricacies. These terms, often used interchangeably, have blurred the lines between their distinct meanings, leaving many bewildered in their wake. Each term possesses its own vibrant hue and conflicting perspectives, adding to the complexity and confusion surrounding their definitions. Posthumanism and transhumanism stand as sovereign realms, parting ways on matters fundamental to their essence.

Transhumanism highlights technology’s capacity to surpass the boundaries of the human body. It asserts that humans are not confined by their biology and advocates for leveraging technology to transcend these limitations. Transhumanists envision a future where advancements in fields such as genetic engineering, cybernetics, and artificial intelligence enable humanity to attain a heightened state of existence–one characterized by increased intelligence, resilience, and fulfillment.

Additionally, transhumanism advocates for the transformation of the human condition, striving for increased intelligence, extended lifespan, and enhanced well-being. Drawing inspiration from philosophy, science, and futurism, transhumanism embraces the belief that technology has the power to surpass the limitations of the human body and mind. While some criticize its focus on individual enhancement and potential exacerbation of inequalities, supporters argue that these advancements can pave the way for a more equitable and just society, where equal opportunities and capabilities are accessible to everyone.

Meanwhile, posthumanism presents a critical perspective on technological advancement, acknowledging the inherent risks and challenges that come with radical transformations to our nature. This philosophical stance recognizes the intricate and multifaceted nature of our interaction with technology, as it can deeply influence our social, political, and ecological systems. Unlike transhumanism, posthumanism aims to question conventional ideas of the self and explore alternative frameworks for understanding identity and consciousness. Rather than seeking to transcend our existing limitations, posthumanism encourages us to reconceptualize our relationship with the world and with one another.

Furthermore, posthumanism dares to stretch the boundaries of agency, embracing nonhuman entities and casting aside binary divisions, be it human and nonhuman, culture and nature, or even the age-old struggle between humanism and antihumanism. Humanism focuses on human values, achievements, and potential, emphasizing human worth, reason, ethics, and compassion while antihumanism focus on challenges human exceptionalism, questions human superiority, and promotes a broader consideration of non-human entities and ecosystems.

Posthumanism also challenges anthropocentrism, which refers to the belief that humans are the central or most significant beings in the universe, prioritizing human interests and values above others. In contrast, transhumanism either maintains humans’ central role or does not question it. Transhumanism can be seen as an extension of humanism, while posthumanism reveals the limitations of humanism. Furthermore, transhumanism aims to surpass human intellectual and physical limitations, while posthumanism seeks to transcend the entire concept of humanism.

Mind uploading and digital consciousness

We are on the brink of transforming mind uploading into a tangible reality, especially following the FDA’s approval of Neuralink testing on humans. Mind uploading and digital consciousness are areas of research that delve into the potential of transferring human consciousness into digital or virtual realms. This groundbreaking achievement can be seamlessly accomplished through the utilization of a brain-machine interface, all while the individual’s consciousness remains fully intact and alive. Transhumanists view this as a pathway towards attaining immortality and ushering in novel modes of existence. However, posthumanists approach this subject with greater caution, emphasizing the ethical considerations and profound existential implications associated with such a radical transformation.

Transhumanism and posthumanist future provides an opportunity for Nepal to strive towards a just and prosperous society. A just society is a fair and equal social order that upholds the rights and well-being of all its members, ensuring equal opportunities and protection under the law. It promotes fairness, equality, and the elimination of discrimination and systemic inequalities.

By harnessing the potential of technological advancements and embracing the ethical principles of transhumanism and posthumanism, Nepal has the opportunity to steer away from anarchy and transform into a prosperous nation where everyone feels a sense of belonging. This transformation can be achieved by eliminating the need for individuals to travel abroad in search of financial gains. For this, Nepal has to leverage advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and cybernetics, to enhance governance capabilities while ensuring ethical frameworks are in place to guide their use. Moreover, it requires adopting a holistic approach to justice, encompassing equitable access to resources, equal opportunities, and respect for human rights. While doing so, Nepal should focus on creating business and employment opportunities for all Nepalis and even foreign individuals, similar to the opportunities available in places like Dubai.

Less rhetoric, more results

We are all aware that the revered halls of Nepal’s parliament echo with debates and accusations, but the struggles of the vulnerable masses remain untouched. More importantly, the financial situation of the majority of people is deteriorating rapidly. As time weaves its tapestry and progress surges forward, politicians must step forward and cast their gaze towards the future and embrace the profound concepts of posthumanism and transhumanism, transcending the limitations that bind us. In doing so, they will unlock the potential for a brighter future where the suffering of the common people finds solace and the collective spirit of humanity soars to new heights.

Political parties in Nepal’s parliament appear to be clueless about the transhumanist and posthumanist future and seem uncertain about the path forward.

It appears that all political parties present in the parliament are clueless about the transhumanist and posthumanist future and seem uncertain about the path forward. The parliament seems to be trapped in a quagmire, where the theatrics may captivate the uninformed, but the educated youth demand real actions and tangible results.

The youth remain unimpressed by such showmanship and seek substantive measures to address their concerns. They remain unimpressed by mere rhetoric and instead advocate for the implementation of direct democracy, where their voices can directly shape the decisions that impact their lives. With the power to actively participate in decision-making processes, people can shape the future of your community, regardless of the location or background. So what can the parliamentarians do?

Urgent steps for Nepal’s parliament

To prepare for the age of transhumanism, the parliament should invest in research and development to understand the impacts and implications of transhumanist technologies, collaborating with academicians, scientists, researchers, experts, and ethicists, establish regulatory frameworks to govern the responsible use of these technologies while protecting individuals’ rights, and create public awareness campaigns to inform the public about transhumanism, fostering discussions and informed decision-making. The parliament should also encourage collaboration with academia, providing funding and resources for research initiatives to foster innovation. By taking proactive measures, the parliament can navigate the complexities of the emerging fields of AI, genetic engineering, and cybernetics. This will create an environment that harnesses the potential of these technologies for the benefit of society and prepares us to embrace the age of transhumanism and posthumanism.