EU expresses commitment to protection of indigenous peoples’ rights

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Kathmandu: On the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, the European Union has reiterated its firm and continued commitment to the respect, protection and fulfillment of indigenous peoples’ rights as set out in international human rights law and in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is marked on August 9 every year. “Indigenous Youth as Agents of Change for Self-determination” is the theme for 2023.

“Indigenous youth stand at the frontline of some of the most pressing crises humanity faces today, such as the loss of biodiversity and climate change. At the same time, they lack avenues for full participation in political and public life, to address challenges such as loss of territories, livelihoods and resources, or to advocate for self-determination and defend their rights,” says the statement issued by EU. “The EU continues to promote the participation of indigenous leaders and indigenous human rights defenders, including indigenous youth, in development processes and key global decision-making fora.”

This year the EU has invested €2.3 million in a new Arctic Youth Dialogues initiative to involve Arctic and European youth, including indigenous youth, in policy and decision-making, for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous future for the region, in line with the EU’s Arctic Policy and the Youth Action Plan in EU external relations.

“The EU stands with the more than 476 million indigenous peoples – in the Arctic and worldwide – and celebrates their resilience and the vibrant diversity of their cultures.”