‘Iih’ withdraws protests after agreement with Kathmandu metropolis

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Kathmandu: A four-point agreement has been reached between ‘Iih’ and the Kathmandu Metropolitan City.

A social activist and campaigner, Iih had been staging a protest standing in front of the KMC office, City Hall calling for alternative arrangements to accommodate street vendors. The agreement was signed by Iih and the executive committee member Chinikaji Marhajan on behalf of the KMC. 

Following the agreement, Iih has announced that the programs of protest have been postponed. Iih stood continuously in front of the KMC office for 199 hours. 

According to the agreement reached between the two parties, the goodies confiscated from street vendors would be returned by the metropolis to the respective owners. Accordingly, a committee will be formed to determine the place, time and people who could be involved in the street business and to arrange the methods, procedures and legal arrangements for providing the place and the committee will submit a report to the KMC within two months. 

The place for street vendors will be locations that are not prohibited by the law. The committee will comprise three people appointed by KMC, two on behalf of campaigner Iih, one representative each of the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Urban Development, Traffic police, and street vendors.