Dhanusha district court again extends Sirohiya’s remand by three days

NL Today

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Dhanusha: On Monday, the Dhanusha District Court again extended the remand of Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohiya by three days.

A single bench of Judge Yaduraj Sharma allowed the district police office to keep Sirohiya in custody until Wednesday for investigation into his case.

On Friday, the court had extended his remand for three days. Police presented him before the court today to extend his remand. After an hours-long hearing on Monday, Judge Sharma extended the remand by three days.

The police asked the court to extend the remand, saying the signature on Sirohiya’s citizenship mentioning the date of birth has been sent for forensic test and the report is awaited.

The then administrative officer of the Dhanusha District Administration Office has said the signature on the copy of the citizenship certificate is authentic and his own.

On Saturday, police in Dhanusha interrogated Kashiraj Dahal, who was an administrative officer in the district 24 years ago, on the issue. During the interrogation, Dahal said the sign on Sirohiya’s citizenship copy was his own and was issued based on the original document.

Sirohiya is currently undergoing treatment at the Janakpur-based Kavya Hospital following heart-related problems.