Rethinking data openness in Nepal

Krishna Sapkota

Data as public goods are considered an indispensable foundation of the information system required for

PM Deuba 5.0: Early report card

Bikash Sangraula

Thirty years ago, then Home Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba was invited along with Inspector General

How MCC could become a means for Nepal’s rural development
Avyash Shiwakoti

The $ 500 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) grant given to Nepal by the US

Observe your duty, observe the constitution
Jivesh Jha

The Constitution Day (Sambidhan Divas) commemorates the adoption of the Constitution of Nepal, which officially

The case for timely appraisal of constitutional performance
Mohan Das Manandhar George Varughese and Bipin Adhikari

Nepal has undergone massive constitutional transformation in the past several years. After the protracted Maoist

Why SAARC should act on Afghanistan
Simone Galimberti

“Promote universal respect for and observance and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms for

Paradox, political opportunism and hoaxes around MCC
Narayan Manandhar

Following the news that Fatema Z Sumar, the vice-president of Department of Compact Operations at

From the looking glass of a humanitarian
Mona Sherpa

Every time, I read about people and their suffering, the humanitarian worker and activist inside

Cultural relativism and human rights in Afghanistan
Niyati Adhikari

The recent news of The Taliban recapturing the Afghan government has made the international community

Business during the times of crisis
Narayan Manandhar

In January, 2005, The Economist reported that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is nothing more than

Setting the reservation debate right
Simone Galimberti

It is interesting to observe how a census can bring together two political rivals who

Strengthening primary health care to fight Covid-19
Saugat Pratap KC and Ghanshyam Gautam

Over the last one and half years, much policy attention has been drawn toward preventing

I had Covid. This is what I saw
Mahabir Paudyal

Kathmandu: I have just completed two weeks of home isolation after testing positive for Covid-19.

Achieving energy security
Aashish Chalise

A policy that will allow us to charge our EVs with cheaper electricity at daytime,