Issue identity cards to genuine Bhutanese refugees 

Ram Karki

At a time when many genuine Bhutanese refugees have been waiting years for their refugee

Pradip Giri: The storyteller par excellence

Bhagirath Yogi

Ottawa (Canada): On Saturday night (20 August), Nepali Congress leader, writer and socialist thinker, Pradeep

Decoding the controversies over the flawed citizenship bill
Bhagirath Basnet

The provisions in the Citizenship Act used to be strict and they would be amended,

Seeing Kathmandu’s garbage crisis from the perspective of Banchare Danda and Sisdole 
Simone Galimberti

On June 9, an agreement was reached between the Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC) and the

Public procurement auction: Why transparency and measurability of the promised quality is necessary
Ashesh Shrestha

Public authorities from around the world depend on auctions for acquiring required goods and services

How political parties in Nepal are failing in moralistic culture and civic responsibility
Dr Pushpa R Joshi

Ever since the evolution of civilization, humans have been practicing various activities associated with participatory

Book Review| Decoding life and works of Mahakavi Vidyapati 
Jivesh Jha

Many authors have written a good deal of literature on Vidyapati, the great poet of

Nepal’s geopolitical catch as Washington and Beijing lock horns over Taiwan crisis
Mahabir Paudyal

On August 3, before the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi wrapped

Nepal’s phallocentric worldview on citizenship
Mukesh Baral

We were directly facing the Narayanhiti palace and its majestic view from the coffee shop.

Is Nepal heeding the warning signs from Sri Lanka’s economic crisis?
Bhagirath Basnet

Following the Ukraine war, the price of food, energy and several other commodities has risen

 The bitter side of Nepal’s sugar economy
Ayushma Maharjan

The plight of sugarcane farmers has come to much limelight in recent years with several

Why Nepal must speak out against human rights abuses in Myanmar
Simone Galimberti

Now that China and Russia condemned Myanmar at the UN Security Council for executing four

Why new hospital pharmacy service guideline needs to be amended
Nabin Pathak

Hospital Pharmacy Service Guideline (2015) was formulated in order to provide access to health services

Divided, deviated and dysfunctional: Non-Resident Nepali Association is in the need of overhauling its culture (Part 2)
Raj Maharjan

If you scratch under the surface, NRNA is under the direct influence of Nepal’s partisan